
Mes coups de Coeur 2013

Difficile de croire que 2013 se termine, mais je dois vous avouer qu'elle fut une année marquante pour moi. Cette année j'ai perdue mon père et j'avoue que ce fut très inattendu et difficile. Je suis chanceuse, le scrap et le mixed media m'ont permis de relaxer durant cette grosse année. Voici mes projets préférés de l'année.
We are about to finish the year, and on my part, I have to say that 2013 was a challenging one. I lost my father this year, it was unexpected and way too soon. Luckily, my passion for Scrapbooking and Mixed Media really let me relieve my stress during the year. Here is a recap of my favorite pages and projects.

Mixed Media:


Alors... j'en profites pour vous souhaiter une Bonne Année 2014 ! Santé, Bonheur et Amour... Profitez de chaque moment, vivez vos passions et entourez-vous de gens qui vous aiment.

I wish you all Happy New Year, Lots of Love, Health and Hapiness in 2014. May you be surrounded by loved ones and take the time to enjoy every moment. Also, remember to Love your Passion !



Coup de Coeurs Scrap et Cie Qc 2013

Une petite chronique pour vous ce matin sur le blog de Scrap et Cie. Veuilles suivre le lien ici-bas:
Mes coup de cœurs


Just for the fun of Winter

Ah le plaisir de s'amuser avec mes Pan Pastels cet hiver. Un beau petit pingouin et un bonhomme de neige.
How can I resist? A snowman and a penguin... Having fun with my Pan Pastels during my vacation.

Je souhaite que vous profiter de cette belle température pour jouer dehors un peu? Nous sommes allé au ski et les garçons ont fait l'essaie de planches à neige...
I hope you are enjoying the fantastic weather and the snow? We went skiing and the boys are trying Snowboarding ...
Gabriel (2nd day)

Philippe (1st Day)


Sketch inspirants Scrap & Cie Qc

Ce n'est pas sorcier, il n'y a rien de mieux qu'un croquis pour briser le symptôme de la page blanche. Ce matin je vous propose plein de sites qui offrent de magnifiques croquis. Un petit tour via le lien ici-bas:
There is nothing better than a sketch to break out of a creative slump. On Scrap & Cie I am proposing different site that can help you with creating fabulous pages, just follow the link below:
Inspiration Croquis / Sketchs


CSI Case 103 & Lucky 7 Factory

Don't you just Love the CSI challenges? Here is the most recent page for challenge No 103, once again sponsored by Lucky 7 Factory. For more information, follow the link below:
CSI Challenge

Thanks for playing along at CSI ! Hope you enjoyed the December challenges that Lucky 7 Factory sponsored.


Défi B Décembre Lucky 7 Factory

Noël approche a grands pas, pour ce défi on vous demande que ça Brille !!!!
Bling Bling Bling !!!


CSI case 102- X-Mas Moment

Oh once again, had the chance to play with Emma's fabulous sketchs during the 102 challenge at CSI. This one was not the easiest since I wanted to include as manny of the evidence and testimony requirements as possible.
Doodling, Journaling, lots of hand made work on this page, from the heart and dots boder to the leaves. It was fun to get creative. Again, I was challenged with the journaling, but quite pleased with the results. hope you enjoy my page.
Encore une fois, je me suis amusée avec les croquis de mon amie Emma Stafrace. Ce défi fut mon plus difficile, car j'ai souhaité respecter le croquis le plus possible, tout en incluant les éléments artistiques demandés.
Beaucoup d'attention dans le doodling fait à la main, de la bordure en cœur, en point aux feuilles et au journaling. Je souhaite que vous allez aimer cette page.



Christmas with Page Drafts

And she does it again, Emme has provided us with AMAZING sketchs for her Christmas edition. You can check out all the fabulous pages created around the world using Emma's sketchs here :
Page Drafts
Encore une fois, ma amie Emma Stafrace nous offre une superbre production de croquis de Noël. Je vous invite de suivre le lien ci-haut et de visite les belle pages offerte par des scrappeuses d'un peu partout dans le monde.
My page for this fabulous sketch:
Ma page avec ce croquis:
Papers/Papiers : Lucky 7 Factory

The sketch / Le croquis:



Recycling- Le recyclage - Scrap et Cie

Bon matin, je vous propose de faire un peu de recyclage sur vos pages de Scrapbooking ce matin sur le site de Scrap & Cie Qc. Allez faire un tour pour plus d'information sur le site via le lien ici-bas:
Hi fellow bloggers, this morning I am suggesting that you recycle your old Christmas cards and use them on your Christmas layouts.  Have a look on the Scrap & Cie blog, the link is included below:
Recyclage / Recycling




CSI My interview / mon entrevue

CSI: Color, Stories, Inspiration


Lucky 7 Guest Detective - France Ringuette

Hi, I am a Lucky girl who moved from New-Brunswick to Montreal for work many years ago. I've been blessed with a fantastic husband and two gorgeous teen sons. My passion for crafts started when I was young, but I fell in Love with Scrapbooking when I needed a stress relief from the busy life of managing work and family. Scrapbooking is my psychotherapy, my release from a hectic world. I can`t say that I have a specific style other than I like to challenge myself. At the moment, I am enjoying the Mixed-media world and hope you will enjoy my work, come over to my blog and say Hi!
What is your favorite color(s) to work with? That`s easy, anything bright. I just love vibrant colors, my favorites are Turquoise, Lime Green and Red
What would you say is your 'fingerprint' on your scrapbook pages? Ooooh that`s a tough one, not sure I have a signature mark other than my choice in bold colors. I play around in many styles, so I can`t say that I have a brand specific to myself.
What is your favorite part about CSI--the colors, the stories, or the inspiration?  The colors are my favorite part because I often find that CSI chooses combinations that I had not considered and I always love to see each member`s interpretation of the color scheme.
Confession time. Okay, fess up! What secret do you not want to admit but are willing to confess here? I'd love to teach scrapbooking and mixed-media classes around the world one day, that would be an ultimate dream of conbining my two passions for art and traveling.
The link to CSI: HERE

It's a Happy Day !

Ma page pour le mois de décembre et oui, je crois que j'ai de la difficulté de scrapper autre chose que mes photos du Mexique... Une page avec mon fils Gabriel et un petit lézard.. hihi !
My December page for Lucky 7 Factory papers... and yes, I am still scrapping our Mexican vacation pictures, guess it makes me feel like I am still there. Here is a fabulous picture of Gabriel with a small lizard... Enjoy!

Hugs xxx


CSI-Case File No 101 with Lucky 7 Factory

This month, The Lucy 7 Factory team is sponsoring the CSI challenges. Here is my take on the Case File 101, instructions can be found at this site:
Case File No 101
I LOVE CSI challenges, It is a pleasure to be Guest Detective !
