
Featured on the Color Room for Palette # 63

Can you say Exctatic !!! What a great way to start off a vacation, my Gaudi Art page was chosen as one of the featured pages for the color palette # 63 challenge...

Whohoo.. with all the fabulous talent posted on this blog challenge, I'm truly honnored to have my page featured...

Thanks to The Color Room Team for the encouragement and keep up the great challenges !

If you want to join in the fun, here is the link to the website :

The Color Room


Cindy Fortin said...

Wow! C'est fantastique ça!!! Toutes mes félicitations!

Marie-France alias Badbarbie said...

Félicitation ma chère, elle est vraiment très belle, je tripe sur l'effet des petits ronds de couleurs!