

Leisure & Splatters for More Than Words

It's October already and the More Than Words team are excited to bring you another fun challenge.

This month: Leisure & Splatters

Here is my page for this challenge:

With the boys now older, we are finding more time to go explore the area with our bikes. It's a fantastic LEISURE that we are truly enjoying. Spending time every weekend together is truly fun.

For the SPLATTERS part of the challenge, I played with inks and gesso splatters on my background.

I was also able to add the word Leisure to my layout.

I like the effect of the gesso splatters on the chipboard:

Colors of Lindy's inks used: Wild Honeysuckle Coral & T-bird Turquoise

Hope you will play along with us. I can't wait to see your work.

Happy crafting !


  1. This is such a beautiful page, France!! Love it !! Have a beautiful month..xoxo

  2. This is awesome France! I love everything about it!


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