

Blue Fern Studio February projects

All you Need is Love - Layout #1

What can I say other than I am in LOVE with the new collection In the Mood, Artisan collection by Blue Fern Studios. The hardest challenge was choosing what paper to use for my first layout as they are all spectacular.

I chose to use Attracted in the collection pack for this beautiful wedding picture of my friend Marina and her husband David. I was inspired by the lovely floral prints and the greens that would match perfectly with the background of this beautiful picture.

First step was to add with a stencil, light molding paste, creating small hearts on my background, then I added onto the molding paste Baby Pink embossing powder and heated this up. I love adding my embossing powders on my papers.

Then I covered a clock chipboard with white gesso and heat embossed it with Pixie Dust embossing powder. I love that mix of gold and pink. It is a spectacular new color that has become a recent favorite.

The new printed chipboard title was perfect for this page, I wanted it centered under my picture. Then I built my layering of flowers, lace, stamp prints and die-cuts around it.

Did you notice the circles ? They are  from the Texture Circles stamp collection. I stamped them on white cardstock and cut them out to add as embellishments to my page.

How are you finding that beautiful lace under my title? I found it gave the layout such a classy look.

In this next picture, you can get a closer look at the new flowers and the stamped circle. Notice that small pink lace flower? It's from the lace 10 set.

In the last 2 images, a better look at the Pink Topaz seedlings:

Blue Fern Product used on this page:

Paper: In the Mood Attracted

Chipboard: In The Mood Printed Chipboard

Flowers: Moody Florals & Spring Lilies

Lace:  10 & 12

Embossing Powders: Pixie Dust & Baby Pink

Seedlings: Pink Topaz

Stamps: Texture Circles 


Sweetheart- Layout #2

A friend of mine has the cutest little daughter and had some amazing picture taken to capture her first birthday. I just love this picture with her daughter in a tutu dress stepping on Brittany's bright red shoes. This picture was my inspiration for the layout. I wanted to play with reds and light pinks.

My starting point was the new In the Mood collection, I chose the Mellow paper for my background. I just found that little red bird oh so cute.

Next steps was to add some layers of paper. I played with Ecstatic and Pensive from the same collection

Here is a closer look at the photo area. As you might have noticed, I used some of the In the Mood Printed Chipboards for decorative elements. 

I made a die-cut out of the Ecstatic paper, love that red tone.

The Turkish Bits chipboard is heat embossed with the Pure Red embossing powder

 I wanted to add more red to my layout so I stamped and embossed in Pure Red this beautiful Butterfly from the Butterflies stamp collection.

Under my flowers you can see some touches of lace 4 and some Pink Topaz seedlings

Blue Fern Product used on this page:

In the Mood Mellow
In the Mood Pensive
In the Mood Ecstatic

Chipboard: In The Mood Printed Chipboard

Flowers: Moody Florals 

Lace:  4

Embossing Powders: Pure Red 

Seedlings: Pink Topaz

Tattered Newsprint

Turkish Bits


CUTE- layout #3

For this layout, I started playing around with the cute bird on the brand chipboard. I had this beautiful daycare picture of Emma that was just perfect to build a nice soft page.

I build this chipboard in 3 layers. First step was to emboss the branch and leaves with Green Ivory embossing powder. Second step was to add a layer of glue with a fine tip dispenser then add the Meadow and Twig seedlings. Once that was dry, I then embossed the bird with Frozen embossing powder.

Oooh this turned out just lovely.

Here is a closer look at the bird and leaves.

Next step was the frame, I wanted it to melt into the background, so I chose Oatmeal as my embossing color for this one.

Last and final step was the ornament cluster. I used a flower from heartland blossoms and dark tropic lilys collections.

I enjoy adding pieces of lace to my projects and Lace #4 is my favorite.

Blue Fern Product used on this page:

Paper: Happy Accident -Chance

Remnants Printed Chipboard
Remnants Frame Chipboard
Cute Sweet Sassy
Forest branch chipboard
Frame collage

Flowers: Dark Tropic Lilies & Heartland Blossoms

Lace:  4

Embossing Powders:
Blue Sky

Seedlings: Meadow & Twig

Stamps: Tattered Newsprint

I hope you've enjoyed my February creations for Blue Fern Studio and wish you an amazing day.

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